Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy New Year!

Hard to believe it's already 2013! I wanted to share a quick update on where we are at with the scholarship fund. Thanks to all of you, the fund currently sits at $6910.66! We received every last dollar of the $1000 matching money. . . . what a great way to kick off the new year! Now if you do the math, we still have a long way to go. $23,089.34 to be exact. And approximately 6 months to do it in. Certainly sounds like a lot but we are on the right path and heading in the right direction. 

With the new year comes all sorts of new projects, goals, resolutions, and WGVU's 40th Anniversary! We have some great things coming your way and some amazing opportunities to get involved. Along with a lot more on my personal journey to run a 25K, get healthy, and raise $30,000, I'll also be sharing with you everything else the Engage Committee is working on. There's a lot more to us than just this scholarship, even though that is my personal focus and the reason I'm writing the blog. 

If you ever have questions for us or want to be involved please let us know! The point of our committee is to engage with the community so we love it when you talk back. Send a message here, go to the website (, chat with us on Facebook (, whatever you feel like! As I share more about myself, I welcome you to share your stories with me, ask me questions, give me advice, ask me for advice (at your own risk), anything you want. 

Personally, I am super excited for the new year; for new challenges, for new opportunities, and new experiences. I know there is a lot of uncertainty in people's lives right now, but we can choose to focus on the positive and choose to do the best we can with what we've got. I happen to think we've all got a lot more going for us than we give ourselves credit for.

I'd like to leave you with a video clip kicking off WGVU's 40th Anniversary. We can't wait to spend 2013 celebrating with YOU!

Watch the Video Here!

If you are interested in supporting the scholarship you can go online here to make a tax deductible donation:

If your business is interested in being a sponsor please contact us at

1 comment:

  1. Stop by our booth this upcoming weekend at the Living Well Expo! The health & fitness show will be taking place January 11th and 12th at DeVos Place. Check out our booth for some great information on staying healthy and meet a few of our Engage members while you're there!
